Welcome! this site is under construction at the moment
'Virbex' (Virtual + Urbex) is the name we've settled on for our hobby of virtual world exploring.
Virtual worlds being software or games that primarily focus on creating a living virtual world that you can experience in a non linear fashion (this scope is pretty vague and can include MMOs)
and Urbex being 'urban exploring' the exploration of human-made/artificial structures, usually abandoned or unseen spaces.
We plan to build this into a place to learn about various virtual worlds, how to access them (on all available system types), and how to traverse them.
We will also share our experiences and memories of being users in numerous virtual worlds in the form of;
- an informal 'traveller's log' style blog, and
- a more distinct 'feature' style blog/newsletter on a regular schedule.
Try and remember us and check back at a later date =D
Much love, Disco & Autumn